Roofing Articles

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Grow Your Roofing Business: Fall Must-Do List

You and your roofers may be sweating it out these days, but the air will soon start turning crisp and cool in many areas. For some roofing businesses, that shift means the summer rush is over. Use this fall to-do list to continue growing your roofing business as you move past peak season.

fall to-do list for your roofing business

Make note of this summer’s pain points.

Even the most well-run businesses encounter snags—and those snags are especially apparent during the busy season. Now is the time to consider those aspects of the business that gave you headaches and sleepless nights this summer:

  • Too much property damage on job sites?
  • Less-than-ideal productivity?
  • Lack of effective marketing materials?

Once you pinpoint the hassles, schedule time in September or October to analyze and solve those problems so you’re ready to continue growing your roofing company when the next busy season rolls around.

Fall’s less hectic schedule may make it a good time to rent an Equipter RB4000, a specialized roofing tool that streamlines productivity, to see if it would make a valuable addition to your roofing business. Click the link below to use our Find a Rental tool to find an RB4000 rental location near you.

Find the Closest Equipter 4000 to Me

For tips on how to raise productivity and market successfully, check out New Roof No Mess Marketing.

Promote your fall-related products and services.

tips to hire a roofing salespersonGet customers thinking about and scheduling fall roofing and gutter repair and maintenance. Roof inspections are another ideal service to promote during autumn because they alert homeowners to potential trouble spots that can worsen (or become harder to repair) in cold, wintry weather. Utilize your go-to marketing channels, like the company’s Facebook page or email newsletter to promote these services.

If you’re going to run fall promotions, now’s the time to consider what they’ll look like and how they’ll impact the work schedule and bottom line. Remember, if you don’t put the bug in homeowners’ ears to consider fall repair and maintenance, chances are good the competition will!

Plan out your roofing business blog entries.

An editorial calendar, which is simply a schedule for the content you publish, is a smart way to save the stress and hassle of figuring out what in the world you’re going to write about on your roofing blog. Use a spreadsheet, create a calendar, or jot down a list of fall-related topics along with their potential publication dates. This provides a framework for writing and publishing blog posts in a timely manner (i.e., you’re less likely to miss publishing a gutter cleaning article because you got wrapped up in other tasks and forgot about it). For article ideas, see 25 Roofing Blog Topic Ideas: No-Mess Marketing for Roofers.

Create a task list for winter downtime.

You can still move toward building a stronger, more profitable roofing business no matter how cold or stormy the winter. Begin to outline a downtime to-do list. For example, you might tackle these business growth and productivity tactics:

  • Spend time looking at new roofing equipment investments, like the RB4000 or the CR8400 compact mobile crane.
  • If you don’t already leverage a customer relationship management (CRM) system, start considering one to help turn prospects into referral-giving clients.
  • Automate processes that slow down your daily operations. Whether you start using a platform to automate social media posts or build email templates for your roofing company to thank customers for their business, automating regular processes gives you and your team more time to focus on delivering an excellent customer experience.

Now it’s your turn: What does your to-do list look like for growing your roofing business as peak season winds down? Let us know on Facebook.