7 Tips for Starting a Roofing Business Plan

January 5, 2017

Does your roof replacement company use a roadmap for success? Whether you're just starting a roofing business or working to boost an established one, use these 7 tips to set up your roofing company business plan so you can build a more profitable company.


7 Ways to Make Your Roofing Flyers & Literature More Effective

December 28, 2016

What do your marketing materials say about your roofing business? Do they compel the homeowner to call for a free estimate…or toss the material in the trash? Use these tips to make your roofing fliers, brochures, and other collateral marketing pieces more effective.


8 Unique Roofing Tools That Boost Productivity

December 14, 2016

Roofing professionals know that tools are a must-have part of getting the job done correctly and efficiently. Add these 8 unique roofing tools that boost productivity to your Need list.


Why Build a Business Plan for Your Roofing Company

December 12, 2016

Does your roofing business have a roadmap to success? If not, it’s time to create one. Writing a business plan might sound like tedious “paperwork,” but in reality it’s an action plan that will help you build a more focused, more productive company. Here's why every roofing company should build a business plan.


Are These Roofing Productivity Mistakes Hurting Your Bottom Line?

November 30, 2016

Productivity mistakes can cost a roofing company big dollars, especially if they’re repeated day in and day out. Find out which common productivity errors might be dinging your bottom line.


15 Roofing Resources Contractors Need to Bookmark

November 25, 2016

If you want to start and grow your company, nailing on a good roof is only half the battle. The other half is making the decisions that will guide your small business to success. Find out how to bookmark the best 15 roofing resources for business owners now so you can easily get answers to questions, find expert guidance, or simply catch up on your industry reading.


5 Roofing Sales Mistakes: Tips for Roof Replacement Pros

November 23, 2016

Roofing sales may not require the sweat it takes to replace a roof, but it can be just as much of a challenge: you’re asking a sometimes-wary consumer to invest a sizable chunk of money in the service you deliver. Learn five mistakes to avoid so you can make their decision to do business with you as easy as possible:


3 Roofing Digital Marketing Ideas That Aren’t Facebook

November 15, 2016

Facebook isn’t the only game in town when you want to market to homeowners. You have plenty of digital options to attract new clients and make established clients more likely to refer you to friends and neighbors. Check out these three non-Facebook roofing digital marketing ideas:


Is Your Roofing Website Missing These 6 Must-Haves?

November 2, 2016

Are you unknowingly sending roofing prospects to your competitor’s website? Your website is one of your strongest resources for marketing your company. If your roofing site is missing crucial elements, you very well might be losing business.

When analyzing or building your roof replacement website, don't leave out any of these business-boosting must-haves.


How to Get More Roofing Jobs with This One Question

October 26, 2016

Did your roofing company get a few scathing reviews on Angie’s List? Or do you want to take your customer service to the next level to earn more referrals? No matter why you might be considering a customer service reboot, there’s one question you must ask before you create a strategy to get more roofing jobs.