10 Roofing Sales Tips to Raise Your Sales Presentation Game

May 25, 2016

Roofing sales, one of the most important aspects of your roofing company. Is it time to reboot your sales presentation? Use these ten roofing sales tips to raise your homeowner presentation game so your business can book more projects. 


How to Reduce Property Damage with the Right Roofing Tools

May 18, 2016

Dented HVAC units. Smashed bushes. Shattered birdbaths.

Roofing is a messy job.

No matter how hard a crew tries to protect a job site, the risk of property damage is always present. Check out these tips to reduce the possibility of property damage so you can keep your business expenses lower and maintain a great reputation.


3 Ways to Get Your Roofing Website Noticed by Google

May 11, 2016


Marketing for Roofers: Social Media Marketing Best Practices

May 4, 2016

Marketing for roofers can be a tough hill to climb, but it doesn't have to be. We are here to make the climb a little easier. You understand social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, can help you engage roofing prospects and customers—but how can you make these networks work for you? Check out these best social media practices to help you market your roofing business to a healthier bottom line.


Roofing Job Site Safety Benefits of the Equipter RB4000

April 26, 2016

Roofing isn’t the easiest occupation in the world. Any roofer can attest to that. One of the reasons it can be a tough job is because of the near-constant safety concerns. Learn how the Equipter RB4000 will help your roofing replacement company work smarter—and safer.


How to Bill More Jobs with RB4000 Roofing Equipment

April 20, 2016

Roofing equipment like the Equipter RB4000 can boost your bottom line. What would your bottom line look like if you could bill four or six more jobs every month? For some roof replacement professionals, that scenario is becoming a reality. Check out how the Equipter RB4000 is helping roofers complete more jobs each month—and how this roofing equipment can do the same for your business.


Tips to Nail Leadership in Your Roofing, Contracting, or HVAC Biz

April 12, 2016

Leadership isn’t a lofty concept intended only for multinational corporations with big budgets and big strategies. As the owner or manager of an HVAC, a contracting, or a roofing business, you’re charged with growing the bottom line—and you can’t do that without establishing leadership that sets the tone for success. Equipter president Aaron Beiler shares three no-nonsense, no MBA-required leadership tips to help you run your business:


Profit-Building Checklist to Spring Clean Your Contracting Business

March 31, 2016

If you’re gearing up for spring and summer projects, now is the perfect time to make sure your roofing, HVAC, or contracting business has the tools and resources it needs to build profit. Use this profit-building checklist to clean out the winter cobwebs so you’re ready for the busy season.


No-Mess Marketing Series: Home Show Pre-Event Marketing

March 28, 2016

Exhibiting at a home show isn’t cheap. Your business is making a significant investment in time, money, and people powerbut the payoff can be just as big if you go into the show with a strategy for success. Many factors play a role in having a profitable show, and these home show pre-show marketing tips will give your roofing, contracting, or HVAC business a healthy jumpstart.


4 Non-Manual Labor Skills to Look for When Hiring a Roofing Employee

March 11, 2016

As you gear up for spring projects, hiring new roofers might be on your to-do list. But if you want to build a crew that helps you generate referrals, you’ll need to interview for more than skill with a nail gun. Check out these four non-manual labor skills to look for in roofing job candidates.